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A new year of good intentions: welcome 2022!

In 2021 Campagnola had exciting successes, which concerned both our catalog and the most innovative opportunities in our sector. We launched various specific tools on the market, proposing innovations that involved both the PROFESSIONAL Line and the GREEN Line. We also integrated patented systems into our tools, in order to optimize the work of the end users.

The long-awaited, well-known EIMA exhibition gave us again the opportunity to show our novelties and was an important experience in a year full of satisfactions. The positive events of last year were accompanied by the growth of an increasingly solid community of users and collaborators, with whom we have been happy to build strong relationships since the dawn of our company history.

Leaving behind such a year full of results, what is our idea about 2022, which has just begun?

Our manifesto for 2022: between desires and commitments

To know one’s professional goals is fundamental to achieve them. So, let’s write down ours, hoping that they comply with the expectations of our most loyal customers, as well as of those who will rely on Campagnola for the first time soon

  1. We will support the agricultural sector

La The first of our missions is to continue promoting agriculture as a focal sector for the economic growth of our country. There are many Italian entrepreneurs engaged in this activity every day and the agricultural sector is one of the most important pieces of Italian GDP. Furthermore, the agricultural supply chain is also to be understood as a key element in the conservation of the landscape, as well as in the protection of soil and biodiversity.

  1. We will promote the “Made in Italy”

Campagnola is proud of offering its contribution to the development of the Made in Italy production system. The Italian excellences in the world are, in fact, one of the flagships of our nation and stress our ability to stand out for creativity and know-how. A specific sector such as that of facilitated harvesting and pruning is no exception: the proposals by Campagnola are now used and appreciated in over 74 countries around the world and one of our purposes is to further broaden our horizons.

  1. We will contribute to the technological development of the sector

Since its foundation, Campagnola has been the protagonist of a constant technological progress. Since 1958 our aim has been to find new solutions to make the harvesting and pruning operations more efficient and safer and less tiring for the operators. We have never stopped our research, bringing our products to a decidedly high level of quality and technology, but we always feel we are at the beginning of our evolution. Therefore, 2022 will be a new year of small revolutions and significant changes.

  1. We will listen to the market

Also in the year that has just begun, one of the central activities of our team will be to listen to the feedbacks of our customers and of the operators who use our tools in the field every day. Only in this way will we be able to design new and increasingly advanced.

  1. We will strengthen our network

Our network of agents and dealers is not just a means for us to distribute products. Above all, it is an indispensable point of contact with the territories and a channel through which we can listen to the concrete needs of those who work in the agricultural sector. Strengthening our network of collaborators will, therefore, be one of our main tasks. We want to enhance it not only by increasing the amount of our sales points, but above all by ensuring our partners all the updated information and skills necessary to act as a reliable reference for the end users in the pre and post sales phase.

  1. We will optimize our customer services

On the occasion of the 63 years of our company we have given a digital change to our internal organization and a total restyling of our website, which has been enriched with information, tutorials and useful technical material. At the same time, we continue to provide both our staff and our external collaborators with new training opportunities, which can improve their skills and consolidate their ability to interact in a professional and qualified manner with our customers.

Will you accompany us on this journey towards new shared horizons? We hope that 2022 will be for all experts and amateurs of this fascinating sector a year full of achievements and new personal and professional inspirations.

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